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What is a PWA?

Progressive Web Applications

You have probably heard of them, maybe have read a few articles on them, but, one thing I have personally found lacking is a clear answer to "What is a PWA?". Today, I hope to answer that question!

What is a PWA? #

At their simplest, a PWA is a web app that uses a Web Manifest, https and a Service Worker. However, they are much much more than the technical requirements. Let's dive in!

Best of Web + Native #

Progressive Web Applications bring together the best of the web with the best of installed applications. Like a web app, they:

However, like a native app, they also:

This is a combination of features that, in the past, required a "hybrid" solution such as Electron, Cordova or Capacitor. However, with the power of the modern web platform, you can achieve the same with just web tech!

Learn more on capabilities #

The Project Fugu Initiative is the best place to start learning about all the capabilities that PWAs have access too.

Why build a PWA? #

Ther are many reasons you may want to build a PWA. Lets go over some of the common developer facing reasons, and then we will cover some benefits for your users!

Developer facing #

User facing #

Examples #

The following are some of my favorite PWAs that I use all the time:

Get started building your PWA today with PWABuilder!!!!